The Constitution of the European Association for Integrative Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

The Constitution of the European Association for Integrative Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

Article 1


The European Association for Integrative Psychodynamic Psychotherapy (herein after referred to as the “EAIPP”)

Article 2

Aims and Objectives

The EAIPP has the following aims:

-To promote and extend the practice and development of Integrative Psychodynamic Psychotherapy in Europe and to consolidate its position within the profession of psychotherapy.

– To promote and assist in the promotion of education and training in Integrative Psychodynamic Psychotherapy.

– To promote the highest standards of clinical and ethical practice.

– To promote research and education in the theory and practice of Integrative Psychodynamic Psychotherapy.

– To provide accreditation of training courses in Integrative Psychodynamic Psychotherapy for member organizations of EAIPP.

– To promote the training of Supervisors and Trainers in approaches in Integrative Psychodynamic Psychotherapy.

In furtherance of the above objectives but not further or otherwise, the EAIPP shall have the following powers:

(a) To represent member organizations to National, European and International Associations for psychotherapy and to other professions, institutions and governments.

(b) To encourage the exchange and understanding of different theoretical and practical approaches to Integrative Psychodynamic Psychotherapy.

(c) To do all such things as shall further the above objectives:

Article 3

The Association shall perform its objectives through:

Organizing independendly or in cooperation with other organizations training programs, seminars, expert lectures, workshops, conferences, debates;

Publishing promotion material such as information booklets, brochures, publications, newsletters, etc.;

Cooperation with the media;

Planning and conducting research in interes to the work of the Association;

Acting as an information center and liaising with similar associations, governmental and non-governmental organizations and profit-making organizations;

Enabling regular communication of the members and discussion on all questions important for the work of the Association;

Conducting other tasks resulting from the goals of the Association according to the Law;

Establishing standards of the education for certification, licenses etc. according to the Law;

Issuing certificates, licenses, etc.;

Article 4


Member of the Association can be any individual educated (or who is being trained) according to the existing standards of the Association and is engaged in work as a psychotherapist, who accepts the aims and the Statute of the Association, submits the application for joining the membership to the Operational Board and pays the membership fee. Organizations and institutions engaged in integrative psychodynamic psychotherapy and education in this field which meet the standards established by the Association can become members of the Association  when they pay the membership fee and accept the conditions of provided by the Association.

There are two categories of individual members of the Association, depending on their education:

а) Regular members – psychotherapists with certificate in accordance with the Rules of Accreditation accepted by the Association.

  1. b) Associate members – candidates for psychotherapists who are undertaking an educational program organized by the Association

Membership is automatically renewed by payment of the membership fee, and fulfilment of the requirements.

A decision on membership admission is made by Accreditation Board, while the decision on regular membership admission is made by the Operational Board which informs the applicant on the admission.

A member of the Association may resign from the Association by making a written or oral statement to the Operational Board.

Membership in the Association may terminate due to a member’s long-term inactivity, failure to abide by provisions hereof, and causing harm to Association’s reputation.

A decision on membership suspension is made by Accreditation Board, while the decision on regular membership suspension is made by the Operational Board.

A member shall be provided with an opportunity to declare him/her-self against the reasons for which a proposal was made to decide on suspension of his/her membership in the Association.

Membership is automatically suspended after 3 (three) notices to pay the membership fee for the current year.

Article 5.


According to the article 4. of the Statute, an Association member shall have the right to:

participate in fulfillment of Association’s goals equally with other members;

take direct part in decision making at the Assembly as well as through Association bodies;

appoint and be appointed for membership in the Association bodies;

be informed fully and in due time about work and activities of the Association.

An Association member shall be obliged to:

give an active contribution to attainment of the Association goals;

participate in activities of the Association in accordance with his/her interests and competencies;

pay membership fee;

perform other activities entrusted to him/her by the Operational Board

Article 6.


Association bodies shall be Assembly, Operational Board, Expert Board, Supervisory Board, Accreditation Board, Ethical Review Board and Complaints Board.

Article 7.

Association Assembly

Association Assembly shall be composed of all its members.

Assembly session is held regularly once a year. An extraordinary session of the Assembly may be convoked upon a justified proposal of the Operational Bord and upon initiative made by a minimum of 1/3 of the Association members. An initiative shall be submited to the Operational Board in writing or electronically and shall contain matters proposed to be discussed.

The Assembly session shall be convoked by the President of the Operational Board who shall inform the members about the session. The Assembly shall be presided by the person elected by open ballot system.

The Assembly shall:

adopt work plans and pragrams of the Association;

adopt the Constitution of the Association, as well as changes and amendements of the Constitution;

adopt other general acts of the Association;

appoint and reveoke members of the Operational Board and all the other boards;

consider and adopt reports of the work of the Operational Board at least once a year;

consider and adopt financial plans and reports;

decide on status changes and termination of operations of the Association;

decide on association into federations in the country and abroad;

More than a half majority of members present shall be raquired to make fully elective decisions. Both the Assembly session and voting can be organized directly or electronically.

Article 8.

The Operational Board

Operational Board is an executive body of the Association that ensures that the activities of the Association are carried out in accordance with the objectives defined by the Constitution.

Operational Board has 5 (five) members who are elected and discharged by the Assembly.

The mandate of the members of the Operational Board, as all the other boards lasts for 2 (two) years and they can be re-elected for the same position.

Operational Board and all the other Boards elect two vice presidents from among the members.

Operational Board appoints representative of the Association.

Operational Board and all the other Boards can discuss matters, vote and make decisions electronically.

Article 9.

The President of the Association

The President of the Association, i.e. the President of the Operational Board, shall represent the Association in legal matters and shall have rights and duties of a financial order issuing authority.

Deputy President shall be authorized to represent the Association and sign fall financial documents on behalf of the Association in case of absence of the president of the Association.

Article 10.

The Operational Board:

1) coordinates activities of the Association in between two Assebmly meetings and makes decisions in accordance with the defined objectives of the Association;

2) ensures regular operation of the Association;

3) distributes assignements to members;

4)  takes care of the financing of the Assiciation andmakes financial decisions;

5) commences procedue for making amandments to the Constitution on its on initiative or upon proposal of at least 5 (five) members of the Association, and prepars draft amandments which are forwarded to the Assembly for approval;

6) commences prodecure for remuneration of damages described in Article 25. paragraph 2. of the Law on Associations and, if needed, designates special representative of the Association for that procedure;

7) makes decisions on other issues which are either by the Law, or this Constitution not in domain of other bodies of the Association;

8) considers applications regarding violation of the Association’sCode of Ethics together with the Accreditation Board .

The Operational Board makes valid discussions on important matters, votes and makes decisions with majority of its members (at least 3 present out of 5)


The Expert Board

Expert Board is the advisory body of the Association, which directs the work of the Association toward the implementation of its objectives. The Assembly elects the Expert Board upon proposal of the Operational Board. The Expert Board consists of five regular Association members, representatives of psychotherapists who elect the president and vice president of the Board. The board shall meet at request of the Operational Board and minimum 3 (three) members of the Expert Board.

Article 12.

The Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board oversees the financial operations of the Association. In case of irregularities, without delay, notifies the Operational Board.

The Supervisory Board consists of 3 members elected by the Assembly. The mandate of the members of the Supervisory Board lasts for 2 (two) years, and they can be reelected.

The Supervisory Board reports on its work to the Assembly.

Article 13.

The Accreditation Board

The Accreditation Board consists of 3 regular Association members elected regularly every 2 years, unless decided otherwise by the Assembly.

The Accreditation Board acts in accordance with the Rules of Accreditation agreed upon the Rules of Accreditation of European Associations for Psychotherapy. The certificates are signed by the President of the Association and one member of the Accreditation Board.

Together, The Accreditation Board and the Operational Board examine matters regarding violation of the Association’s Code of Ethics.

Article 14.

The Ethical Board

The Ethical Board consists of 3 (three) regular Association members elected by the Assembly.

The President of the Board is proposed by the members of the Board. The Board presents the Association’s Code of Ethics to the President of the Association, takes care of its application and discusses the matters of professional ethics.

Article 15.

The Complaints Board

The Complaints Board is composed of 3(three) members elected by the Assembly who elect the President of the Board. The Complaints Board resolves complaints regarding the work and procedures of the Association, its boards and members and suggests the resolutions to the Operational Board.

Article 16.


Work of the Association shall be open to the public.

The Operational Board shall ensure that members and the public are regularly informed about work and activities of the Association, either directly or electronically, in press releases or using other appropriate means.

The annual accounts and reports on the activities of the Association are presented to the members at the Assembly session of the Association.

Article 17.

The Association is free to develop contacts and cooporate with other associations and organizations for the purpose of meeting its goals.

The Association may join other international associations for psychotherapy. The decision on joining other associations is brought by the Assembly.

Article 18.

Assets of the Association

The Association shall acquire funds from membership fees, voluntary contributions, donations and gifts, financial subsidies and other ways as permitted by the law.

The Association may also acquire funds from participation fees for seminars and other forms of education in the field of psychotherapy.

Article 19.


The Association shall disolve by a decision of the Assembly, when conditions for fullfilment of the Association goals terminate, as well as in other cases set forth by the Law regulations.

Article 20

Recipient of the Association’s Assets

In the event of the cessation of the operations of the Association, the entire assets shall be transfered to a local non-profit legal entity that is established to achieve the same or similar goals, i.e. the Assembly will decide to whom the entire assets shall be transfered by decision of the cessation.